
EUSKAMPUS EGUNA: Collaboration between research groups from the UPV/EHU, TECNALIA and DIPC


29 November 2017


Engineering School of Bilbao, Building II-I, Magna Room





A working session that will contribute to structuring and strengthening the collaboration between research groups from the UPV/EHU (University of the Basque Country), TECNALIA and the DIPC (Donostia International Physics Center), focussing on a series of themes that have been identified as priorities in the current collaboration agenda.

Time Topic
09:00 Welcome
Nekane Balluerka, Rector of UPV/EHU
► Iñaki San Sebastián, CEO of TECNALIA
► Ricardo Díez, Director of DIPC
09:20 Signing of the JRL ORE Agreement (Offshore Renewable Energies)
09:30 Introduction
► Igor Campillo, Executive Director of EUSKAMPUS FUNDAZIOA
09:45 Guest speaker: "Co-creation in complex projects"
► Dr. Jan Alexandersson, Head of AAL Competence Centre DFKI GmbH, Germany
10:30 Coffee Break
11:00 Parallel workshops - Knowledge Poles
Marine Energy
Industry 4.0
Aquatic and Terrestrial Ecosystems
Data Science and Digitalisation
Health Sciences and Technologies
New Materials
13:00 Plenary Session - Work on Knowledge Poles
14:00 Closing address
14:15 Lunch