19 SepKATEA: embrace the digitalisation of the futureConferenceDigital transformationTorre Iberdrola, floor 29 Plaza Euskadi 5 (Bilbao)
25 Sep - 26 Sep23rd International Industrial Cybersecurity CongressCongressDigital transformationBarcelona
26 SepOpening of the call for entries for the sixth Zinemaldia Startup ChallengeConferenceDigital transformationDonostia-San Sebastian
26 SepExclusive forum of solutions and experiences in the foundry sectorConferenceCircular economyDerio
27 SepOREgaua: taking science to the streets with marine renewable energyConferenceEnergy transitionPortugalete
9 Oct - 10 OctJIEEC 2024: 18th International Electrical Grids ConferenceCongressEnergy transitionBarakaldo