
Road technology testing

Bizkaia Connected Corridor


20 September 2022




11:00 am - 12:00 pm



Bizkaia Connected Corridor is an initiative between the Provincial Council of Bizkaia (DFB) and TECNALIA aimed at boosting innovation in the fields of civil construction and road mobility

The Bizkaia Connected Corridor offers all of Bizkaia's infrastructures to the industrial and research fabric. It offers its 1,200 km, with all its associated infrastructures, as a demonstrator of technologies linked to both the physical field and advanced materials, nanomaterials, recycled materials, sustainability, as well as in the digital field, such as artificial intelligence, cybersecurity and data analytics.

Connected, cooperative and autonomous mobility

Four technology deployments are underway related to connected, cooperative and autonomous mobility with digital infrastructure twins and high-performance data managementarchitectures. They will be available for use for the testing and demonstration of your developments. The Spanish Construction Technology Platform PTEC, with the collaboration of TECNALIA, has organised this webinar “Bizkaia Connected Corridor, Living Lab for testing and demonstrating road technologies". Our colleague, Olga Alonso, Head of the Bizkaia Connected Corridor project, Digital Technologies Laboratory, TECNALIA, will be collaborating.


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