
Fire safety of façades: NFPA 285 Standard

24 April 2023
Nueva versión de norma NFPA 285 para fachadas

“The new version of the NFPA 285 standard on the fire propagation of façades includes guidance for the extension of test results”

New version of NFPA 285 Standard for façades

Last January, the new version of the NFPA 285 (2023 Edition) fire propagation standard for façades was published. This standard, developed by the US National Fire Protection Association, provides a test method for evaluating the fire propagation characteristics of façades containing combustible components.

It is a reference standard for accessing the North American market and several Middle Eastern countries, whereby it serves to comply with local regulations, such as the International Building Code in the USA or the UAE Fire and Life Safety Code in the United Arab Emirates.

Extension of results studies

In the latest edition of the Standard published in January 2023, one of the main new features is the inclusion of a guide for the completion of an extension of results for façade systems that have successfully passed the test requirements. Thanks to the extension studies, our customers will be able to extend the scope of the results to other variants of the tested façade system.

This test standard simulates a situation of a fully developed interior fire emerging through a window opening and starting to spread along the façade, and establishes certain requirements that determine that the façade system consisting of cladding, insulation and/or supporting wall has performed properly under minimum safety conditions.

Accredited testing

TECNALIA's Fire Safety Laboratory is the only European laboratory accredited to carry out this test, offering new opportunities for façade manufacturers to access international markets.

 Furthermore, the reports issued by TECNALIA are recognised by prestigious certification bodies, such as INTERTEK and ICC-ES, which ensures customers that tests carried out at a local level has a global scope.