Cases of Success


CINFA, historia de doble impacto

“This alliance is the result of a trust-based day-to-day relationship which has led us to create a working team able to address all the drug production phases”

Francisco José Aranda
Quality Director - CINFA


Con más de medio siglo de andadura, CINFA es un laboratorio de capital 100 % nacional, ubicado en Navarra, que lidera el mercado farmacéutico español tanto en unidades como en valores, y continúa creciendo en diversos países.

Su lema, “Nos mueve la vida”, refleja el compromiso por la salud de los más de 2.200 profesionales que forman Grupo Cinfa. Un compromiso que se plasma en el desarrollo y fabricación de medicamentos, soluciones y servicios de salud de calidad y accesibles.


The development of high-quality and accessible medicines is of unquestionable importance to improve people’s health and quality of life. Ongoing work ranging from the development of new medicines to the optimisation of existing ones.

In this context, having a strong national pharmaceutical industry is key to allow us to guarantee the health solutions needed by patients in our country are produced and available” says Francisco José Aranda, Quality Director in CINFA.

This is the start of the collaboration between CINFA and TECNALIA aimed at expanding our joint development and production capacity” adds Eider Larrarte,  Pharma Lab Services Director in TECNALIA.


“Closer and further away”; a TECNALIA & CINFA project

Thus, as we share the different phases that make up the development, manufacturing and delivery of pharmaceutical products, we can respond more efficiently to demand. The combination of expertise, quality systems and equipment on both sides enables us to offer customised, high-quality solutions, generating a double impact:

On the one hand, we achieve faster commercialisation of new pharmaceutical products to the market, also generating a competitive advantage over existing drugs. And on the other hand, it gives us the opportunity to provide society with accessible quality medicines, so that everyone can enjoy better health for longer.