Laboratory service

Technical support in point clouds

Asistencia técnica en nube de puntos

We offer consultancy services in laser scanning and the generation of point clouds.

Laser scanning has become the predominant technology to represent the shape and position of physical spaces and objects in 3D and in the digital environment. It enables detailed and reliable information to be obtained, improving decision-making and work quality.

We have extensive proven experience in laser scanning in different sectors and in diverse types of projects.

We offer integrated implementation consultancy services, analysing and organising the introduction of technology in the following company areas:

  • Strategies: Establish the policy, objectives and uses of laser scanning at project and company level.
  • Processes: Implement the necessary processes, activities and procedures to carry out laser scanning projects, aligned with the fulfilment of the objectives and required uses.
  • Resources: Define clear staff reassignments, give appropriate training, provide the necessary equipment ((software and accessories, calibrated hardware) and logistics (computers, infrastructure and the appropriate work environment).
  • Organisational Structure: define and establish a structure of responsibilities, organisation flowchart and roles within the organisation.
  • Documents: improve and/or establish the procedures, templates, registers and any other documentation for efficient and effective operation.

We also offer training in laser scanning with the main objective of providing students with the skills to carry out laser scanning projects.

Aimed at:

  • Architecture Studios.
  • Engineering firms.
  • Construction Companies and Developers.
  • Public Administrations
Catálogo de servicios en edificación y obra civil

Technological services in building and civil works brochure (Spanish)

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Catálogo de servicio de generación de nube de puntos

Point cloud generation service brochure (Spanish)

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