
Basque companies revolutionise diagnostic systems

5 June 2024

“The ZURETZAT project focuses on improving diagnostic systems through the application of cloud platforms and AI”

TECNALIA conducts research into advanced diagnostic systems and data management tools, which have a direct impact on the healthcare system and on the growth of Basque industry

In the ZURETZAT project, TECNALIA conducts research into advanced diagnostic systems and data management tools, which have a direct impact on the healthcare system and on the growth of the Basque industry in the diagnostics sector. The combination of medical knowledge, technology and data science is revolutionising medicine, giving way to personalised health. This is why it is important to ensure that detection, diagnosis, treatment and even disease prevention transform people’s lives more quickly and effectively, while guaranteeing appropriate and individualised treatment for each patient.

This has a direct impact on the need for fast, reliable, sensitive and cost-effective diagnostic systems and data management tools that speed up healthcare decisions and facilitate patient treatment.

TECNALIA is taking part as an RVCTI actor in the ZURETZAT project, led by P4Q Electronics and made up of ten companies working in various fields within this biotechnology, electronics, biomedical product, data management and product certification sector: Onena Medicines, microLIQUID, MEPRO, IMG Pharma Biotech, Unikare Bioscience, Herrekor, BBD BIoPhenix (BIOBIDE), TECNALIA Certificación and Consultores Digitales Multimedia (CDM), of the P4Q Group.

Towards personalised healthcare

ZURETZAT’s research and innovation has mainly focused on the development of new sensor systems; research has been carried out on the adaptation of bioassays to devices (Lab-on-a-Chip) in order to detect antibodies, pro-inflammatory cytokines and sperm with fertilising potential, and sensorised dressings to prevent and regenerate ulcers through the development of microfluidic materials and systems.

Work has also been done to improve the reading devices associated with each sensor system, and on data collection in the cloud and sending data to virtual platforms with data management tools, AI and the “Lab on cloud” concept, as well as image management and interpretation AI tools. In the last year, certification guides associated with the project developments have been drawn up to guide the CE marking process.

All these advances will directly enable the diversification of the biosciences sector and advanced manufacturing and Industry 4.0 sector in the Basque Country. They will also increase the growth of the diagnostics industry in general, making the Basque industry more competitive and increasing R&D knowledge and supply.

An opportunity for Basque companies in the diagnostics sector

ZURETZAT, Research in Advanced Diagnostic Systems – Towards Personalised Healthcare, has identified the need for fast, reliable, sensitive and cost-effective diagnostic systems and data management tools that speed up healthcare decisions and facilitate patient treatment.

This project is an important business opportunity, backed by the growth figures offered by the diagnostic sector in general and the market niches targeted by the products arising from the applications to be developed: diagnostic systems Point of Care (POC), Lab-on-a-Chip systems, sensorised dressings and data management tools and AI for diagnostics.

In addition, the global diagnostics market is expected to continue to grow, driven by the development of sophisticated and specialised tests for the early detection of diseases, and increasing demand for laboratory automation.

Personalised diagnostics that will improve disease treatment

Diagnosis is key for detection and overall improvement of health This has been one of the goals of ZURETZAT: to improve diagnostic systems by applying cloud platforms and artificial intelligence, offering personalised diagnoses that improve the treatments of diseases and therefore the quality of life, delaying ageing.

This HAZITEK project is also part of the “personalised healthcare” strategic priority framed within the foundations of smart specialisation RIS3 Euskadi 2030: it promotes the generation and application of innovation and sustainable and digital manufacturing technologies that enable the creation of products and services with high added value, and the development of new business models that can potentially have a large impact on people’s quality of life.