
TECNALIA at the forefront of materials engineering

30 January 2024
Fatiga de componentes

"TECNALIA's Materials Engineering team works on root-cause studies; the key to understanding how elements interlock and contribute to component failure".

Unlocking the secrets of component fatigue: TECNALIA at the forefront of materials engineering

In materials engineering, terms such as galling, mild wear, fretting and denting are not just technical jargon, but key players in component fatigue. These mechanisms not only appear as results of fatigue processes, but also act as precursors, undermining component integrity before a problem arises.

Unravelling failures with root-cause studies

The Materials Engineering team at TECNALIA works on root-cause studies. Identifying a logical sequence of pathologies becomes the key to understanding how these elements interlock and contribute to component failure.

"It's like deciphering the secret code that reveals the mysteries behind every problem" says Isabel Aramburu, Director of TECNALIA's Industrial Materials area.

Failure analysis becomes the equipment's magnifying glass and precision tool. This thorough examination of data and evidence conducts a Root-Cause Analysis (RCA), which unveils the root cause of the failure. Identifying the root cause provides TECNALIA with the necessary tools to implement preventive and corrective measures, enabling the control, prevention or delay of future production failures.