
Terahertz radiation makes it possible to detect properties imperceptible to the human eye

18 June 2019

It is used in the food, safety, pharmaceuticals, automobile, construction and medicine industries, among others

Terahertz radiation allows properties to be detected that cannot be perceived by the human eye. It is able to penetrate clothing, ceramics, plastics, cardboard, and non-conductive materials, meaning it can be used in non-destructive inspection for hidden or internal substances.

It is also non-ionising and safe for humans, so no special enclosures are required to confine the radiation.

In addition to the food industry, this technology can be used without risk in the safety, pharmaceuticals, automobile, construction and healthcare sectors, among others.

Our researchers José Ángel Gutierrez and Ivan Lozano demonstrated how this technology works in a real inspection situation using terahertz at the Non-destructive testing conference held last week in Vitoria. Visitors had the opportunity to observe how this system works by using artificial vision technologies.