
GO4IT Solutions: Modernisation of legacy systems

Go4IT Solutions

The problem:

Currently, most companies that provide maintenance and/or modernisation services for legacy systems do not use any support tools for analysts on a systematic basis.

This often leads to extra costs and deviations from the initial plans that cause them to lose money and market positioning. GO4IT was created to respond to this problem.

Our solution

At present, GO4IT Solutions has two tools:

GO4IT Alight
A tool for modernising and maintaining legacy systems which achieved cost savings of 80% on analysis and 34% on code development in its pilot test.

GO4IT Fast
A tool for creating software factories or a tool that makes it possible to generate code tailored to the needs of IT departments.

Potential Market

  • IT consultants
  • Companies with complex IT systems.

Market situation

GO4IT has both of its products on the market and references that have allowed the company to consolidate its activity and subsequently expand its business internationally.

We are searching for

  • Customers