
Strategies for the competitive decarbonisation of the economy and society

We help tackle decarbonisation plans by using strategies that avoid the current uncertainty

The decarbonisation of industry, cities and regions is a complex process. There are a wide range of actions that revolve around it:

  • Introduction of renewables.
  • Penetration of new energy vectors such as H2.
  • Self-generation.
  • Distributed generation.
  • Energy storage.
  • Network flexibility and demand management.
  • Energy efficiency
  • Sustainable mobility.

These are just a few of them, and they are strongly interrelated.

Investment decisions with important consequences need to be made when undertaking a decarbonisation process. The changing environment in which we live brings worrying uncertainties with it: Environmental taxation, regulatory changes, evolving energy prices, the need for innovative technologies and the deployment of infrastructure will have a significant impact on energy costs and, therefore, on the competitiveness of companies and the development of cities and regions.

Although implementing a decarbonisation plan means taking important and worrying decisions, there are benefits for industry and society as a whole:

  • Energy security.
  • Energy savings.
  • Improved competitiveness.
  • Environmental improvement.

TECNALIA avoids uncertainties so that it can fulfil its commitments and tackle the challenges associated with decarbonisation in the medium and long term. We provide support when it comes to making informed decisions and selecting the best scenarios for action.

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Why a strategy is needed

Actions related to the decarbonisation of activities and processes for a given horizon, and economic activity in general, must be prioritised in order to achieve the desired objectives.

The decarbonisation strategy must go beyond a mere analysis of energy technologies. It must include scenarios that quantify the economic and environmental impacts in the medium and long term. These scenarios must take the constraints and prioritisation of investments into account, in an environment of uncertainty and risk.

We help companies and administrations safely and sustainably evolve towards a competitive, low-carbon production and consumption model.

We support you through a Roadmap that guides you through this complex process.

hoja de ruta de descarbonización


Step 1. Define the decarbonisation strategy

A key aspect for success: The decarbonisation strategy must be a commitment made at the highest levels of institutions or by the general management of companies, and their investors.

The decision to reduce CO2emissions, until ultimately reaching climate neutrality, involves public and private sector entities committing themselves to economic and non-economic activities.

From the outset, the scope of the responsibilities and commitments that this entails right now and in the future needs be defined. Otherwise, it will not be possible to set appropriate measures and plans, tailored to the environmental image and impact on the company or institution.

In this phase, the direct or indirect emission inventories need to be evaluated, along with the base year to be used as a reference point for analysing any improvements obtained.

Step 2. Analysis of alternative actions

In order to carry out this process, TECNALIA:

  • Will identify technological and non-technological routes to achieving decarbonisation targets.
  • Will create scenarios with alternative courses of action, which consider different investment and financing possibilities.
  • Will evaluate the direct and indirect economic impacts: on budgets or the profit and loss account, on improving positioning, on improving the image, etc.

This will set the reduction targets and climate ambition in terms of neutrality.

Step 3. Action Plan

Once the analysis has been carried out, the best alternative courses of action are selected.

This involves implementing an action plan and continuous monitoring of the plan.

We provide our experience and knowledge to:

  • Develop a Roadmap with a General Action Plan.
  • Break down the Action Plan over several years
  • Monitor results based on environmental, social and economic objectives.

Monitoring and reviewing the strategy.

Competitive decarbonisation is an ongoing, long-term process

We provide support for periodic reviews and updates of the scenarios and associated impacts. This makes it possible to translate the evolving reality of technological and regulatory developments in the sector into the needs of the strategy.

This process involves adjusting the exercise to the existing reality, the evolution of which is also subject to a certain degree of uncertainty.

  • Over time, the alternatives identified will need to be replaced by more innovative and effective alternatives as they become available on the market. Investment in R&D&I is essential, as it allows us to start developing the technologies today that will respond to the needs and opportunities of tomorrow.
  • The progressive implementation of these action plans will lead to companies, cities and regions transforming towards a carbon neutral growth model.
proceso descarbonización

TECNALIA helps you develop your decarbonisation strategy

Our Roadmap will help you safely and sustainably evolve towards a competitive low-carbon production and consumption model.

And we provide you with expert advice on decarbonisation alternatives based on our in-depth knowledge of innovative energy technologies, and industrial and production processes.