This laboratory carries out services that are essentially within the bio-health sector, specifically in the field of genetics and functional genomics, using new high-performance technologies such as gene sequencing.
- NGS mass sequencing, DNA microarrays and in vitro assays.
- Analysis of the absence of DNase, RNase and DNA in laboratory consumables.
- Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) using NGS.
- Genetic diagnosis.
- Forensic genetic identification – DNA analysis.
The laboratory has three clearly differentiated areas, two of which are intended for preparing PCR reactions and handling and analysing RNA.
- Illumina MiSeq Sequencer: QS7 Real-Time PCR System
- NanoDrop 2000c
- 2720 Thermal cycler
- Verity
- Digi Genius gel documentation system
- Power Pac Basic Power Supply electrophoresis system
- Applied Biosystems 3130XL Genetic analyser
- Biocap DNA/RNA biosafety cabinet
- Agilent 2100 Bioanalyser
- ABI 7300 Real-time thermal cycler
- 6100 Nucleic Acid Prep Station nucleic acid extractor
- Eppendorf vacuum concentrator 5301
- GenePix 4100ª microarray scanner
- CHEMI-DOC XRS+ (BIO RAD) image analysis system
- PROTEAN IEF SYSTEM (BIO RAD) first-dimension separation system
- SYNERGY HT (BIOTEK) microplate reader
Aimed at:
- Assisted reproduction clinics (IVFs) that require pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGT-A, PGT-M).
- Hospitals and clinics that require genetic diagnosis.
- Universities and research centres that require mass analysis technologies.
- Forensic science (forensic genetics, human identification)
- Pharmaceutical industry and derivatives (Pharmacogenetics and Companion Diagnostics)
- Quality control in the food industry (DNase-, RNase- and DNA-free tests)
Accreditations and Certifications
ENAC/ILAC accredited in compliance with standard UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17025: 2017 for Forensic Analysis Testing no. 4/LE2511
Health Authorisation granted by the Basque Government for the Installation and Operation of the Genetics Laboratory