
Smart transformation of electrical substations

7 February 2024
Impulsamos la transformación inteligente de centros de transformación

“The aim of the partnership is to accelerate the creation of a platform that facilitates the digitalisation of the grid and enables adaptive control of the smart grid”

TECNALIA promotes the smart transformation of electrical substations together with the E4S Alliance

TECNALIA has joined the Edge for Smart Secondary Substations (E4S) alliance, a collaboration that promotes a secure and scalable architecture based on open, interoperable and secure standards to monitor and control the electrical grid. The aim of this alliance is to accelerate the creation of a platform that facilitates grid digitisation and enables adaptive control of the smart grid, enabling operators to manage energy demand and improve reliability in all areas. Virtualisation of applications helps to reduce marketing time and facilitates the creation of new applications, as well as more efficient electricity management and supply.

Extensive experience in the electricity sector and power grids

TECNALIA is the largest applied research and technological development centre in Spain, a European benchmark and member of the Basque Research and Technology Alliance. It has extensive experience in the electricity sector and electrical grids. It works with companies from the creation of the idea and the definition of specifications, to the development of procedures, the creation of automated testing platforms and product certification. This alliance brings together distribution system operators, technology providers and laboratories to jointly develop a solution that facilitates the virtualisation and transformation of digital substations into smart substations. This alliance makes a significant contribution to the energy transition and energy efficiency. Partners include Ariadna Grid, EDP, i-DE of the Iberdrola Group, Merytronic, Ormazabal, ZIV and Barbara.