
TECNALIA, Ambassador of the Industrial Data Space Association

26 October 2023

“Our colleague Alberto Berreteaga has been appointed as IDSA Ambassador in recognition of his contribution to the promotion of data spaces”

The Industrial Data Space Association (IDSA), a network that promotes data spaces, has appointed our colleague Alberto Berreteaga as one of the IDSA Ambassadors

The event, which took place on 19 October in Vienna, brought together key members of various organisations. A very special occasion to recognise people who have shown exceptional commitment to promoting innovative data spaces.

In addition to our colleague Alberto, Günther TschabuschnigAlberto Berreteaga BarberoArian FirouzbakhshMarkus KetterlPeter Koen and Michael Schäfer, who have shown remarkable dedication and experience in the field of IDS-based #DataSpaces, were also appointed as IDSA Ambassadors.

Data sovereignty for all

IDSA is committed to a future where we all have control of our data: they are working to make the International Data Spaces (IDS) standard the norm, ensuring data sovereignty for all.

The IDSA Ambassadors programme is a meeting point for data space enthusiasts and experts. Its task is to promote understanding of data spaces, demonstrate their potential and inspire new participants in a collaborative way.

Congratulations to Alberto and his team on this well-deserved achievement!