Driving innovation in three countries of the Sava River basin
The consortium devoted to carrying out open sea experiences to reduce the cost of wave energy receives the “Yoshio Masuda Memorial” award
The “Yoshio Masuda Memorial” award was granted at the 12th edition of the “European Wave and Tidal Conference” held in Cork, Ireland, and recognises valuable contributions in the development of wave energy capturing technology based on the Oscillating Water Column (OWC) principle.
This year's award has recognised the OPERA consortium for its high-quality publications at the conference, informing on the progress of the fixed OWC system installed at the Mutriku wave energy plant, and on OCEANTEC's MARMOK-A-5 floating device. This device is installed on the BiMEP Platform and has been connected to the power grid since the beginning of the year (I think it was December 2016).
Dr. David Parish from Exeter University accepted the award on behalf of the project team.
OPERA is an international consortium coordinated by TECNALIA, consisting of 12 partners: TECNALIA, OCEANTEC, BiMEP, the Basque Energy Board, Iberdrola, Global Maritime, DNV-GK, Kymaner, Edinburgh, Exeter and Cork Universities; and the Technical Institute of Lisbon. The project's main objective is to reduce the operating costs of wave energy devices by up to 50%, fostering the deployment of marine renewable energies.
The 12th edition of the EWTEC 2017 conference, focused on bringing the marine energy sector closer to the market, was held in Cork (Ireland) from 27th August to 1st September 2017. 500 participants made 300 scientific presentations over these four days.