
THOSE WHO SOLVE YOUR X, the campaign that puts a face to TECNALIA’s team

22 September 2023

“Those Who Solve Your X, the campaign that aims to promote TECNALIA’s talent. Meet the people who create solutions by applying technology and innovation”

Those Who Solve Your X, the campaign to promote and highlight TECNALIA’s talent

We told you that we wanted to “solve problems”. We invited you to tell us “What was your X” And now we’ll put a face to “Those who solve your X”.

“Those who solve your X” resolves the mystery of who is behind the technological solutions that TECNALIA offers companies

In order to create impact through applied research, you need to have a team of researchers who add value and are committed to developing solutions with the greatest impact. And this is precisely what TECNALIA wants to communicate through this campaign: the Talent we have at our disposal to generate profit for companies and value for society.

“Those who solve your X” are the face and beating heart of TECNALIA

When we asked companies “What’s your X?”, we were encouraging them to share with us “their X”, i.e. their problem to be solved, their unknown, their needs and concerns, because all companies, large and small, have an X to solve. And they need TECNALIA’s talent, experience and knowledge to find the solution, solve for X, increase competitiveness and generate business opportunities.

After answering these questions, we would like to introduce you to the people who are really at the heart of this search for problems and the development of solutions.

And this is why we have come up with “Those Who Solve Your X”. This campaign shows the most human side of TECNALIA and aims to make people’s work visible and shine a spotlight on the innovative talent that works every day for companies, seeking to have an impact on society.

What are the fields of action in which “Those Who Solve Your X” work at TECNALIA?

We work in different fields of action such as smart manufacturing, digital transformation, energy transition, sustainable mobility, personalised health and urban ecosystem.

In each one of them there are many problems to be solved: the decarbonisation of industry, the challenges of digitalisation, more sustainable transport, cities that develop impactful urban projects, adaptation to climate change and improving people’s quality of life, among other things. For each one of these we have talented researchers solving these unknown problems that require unique solutions.

The size of the company doesn’t matter: what we care about is the unknown to be solved, because we know that all companies face the challenges of a constantly changing and evolving present and future every day. Challenges in which technology and people have a leading role.