
We have certified the first smart electric meters based on the PRIME 1.4 specification

21 March 2019

ZPA Smart Energy is the Czech manufacturer of the certified meters

TECNALIA has certified the first two smart electric meters by the Czech manufacturer, ZPA Smart Energy (member of the El Sewedy Electrometer Group): one single-phase and the other direct three-phase. They represent the first certifications of electric meters in accordance with Specification 1.4 of the PRIME alliance.

Up to now, specification 1.4, created at the end of 2014, had only been certified in communications chipsets, which were solely used in pilot experiences although they could be integrated in the final equipment. With the certification of these meters, it is now possible to use the latest version of the PRIME technology in real deployments.

New version 1.4 of PRIME

Version 1.4 of PRIME is an extension of 1.3.6. It includes changes at PHY and MAC level: which entails improvements, such as greater robustness and performance, expansion of the PLC communications band to 500 kHz, flexibility of the band plan and compatibility with version 6 of IP. This new version conserves all of the benefits and incorporates the lessons learnt from the 20 million PRIME smart meters installed, whereby the new meters will have more robust and safer communications.

The TECNALIA Data and Protocols Laboratory is the reference laboratory in the south of Europe for the certification of communications protocols and data protocols.

In addition to its experience with PRIME, participating actively in the development of technology and testing tools and in certification as an official laboratory of the alliance, it is part of DLMS UA (data protocol association), Meters & More (PLC association), Wi-Sun (radio communication protocol), UCA International User Group (61850 protocol association) and other associations that foster the development of IoT technologies.

This certification is one step further in our commitment to the development of smart grids.


Ibon Arechalde, Director of Digital Lab_Services