Driving innovation in three countries of the Sava River basin
To foster the next generation of offshore renewable energy
TECNALIA and EVE offer to the industrial and scientific community a joint access to their marine renewable energy infrastructures. We are committed to renewable sources of energy in the marine environment as a sector of the future which helps towards sustainable economic growth and stable job creation. We believe that research, development and innovation can play a key role in obtaining competitive technologies compared to other energy sources.
Three top class facilities are offered:
TECNALIA PTO Lab is prepared to replicate the behavior of the Mutriku Wave Plant. Users aiming at testing in Mutriku can validate their models first in a controlled laboratory environment and subsequently easily change to Mutriku Wave Power Plant. This approach has been successfully applied for wave energy devices development by experts of IST in the Opera Project.
Fernando Salcedo
Offshore Renewable Energy Area
Free access to these infrastructures is offered in the framework of MaRINET2. The 2nd call for applications for Transnational Access to these and other high level European test facilities will be open from 15 Jan 2018 to 28 Feb 2018. Granted applications will be able to access the facilities from 20 April 2018 to 30 Oct 2018. For more information, contact us directly, or visit the MaRINET2 website.
MaRINET2 has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 731084.