
TECNALIA develop an integrated management platform with SACYR for their hospitals

27 February 2024
Desarrollamos junto a SACYR una plataforma de gestión integral para sus hospitales

"The project will also involve the participation of Sener Mobility, Fracttal, 4Digital, Open Ingenius, Áptica and other technology centres such as UPM and CSIC”

TECNALIA develop an integrated management platform with SACYR for their hospitals

The Cognitive Hospital initiative is aimed at carrying out industrial research on the concept of an integrated management model of a hospital infrastructure by developing an innovative intelligent platform based on complex digital technologies (advanced algorithms, AI, etc.). This new management model will make it possible to improve maintenance processes, energy efficiency, air and water quality, and the circularity of the building's assets and materials.

TECNALIA will work on carrying out research into automating the BIM model, optimising and simplifying 3D models, and defining the requirements for the circularity of materials and installations for developing the digital passport for the infrastructure and monitoring and controlling assets.

The results of the project are intended to be a catalyst towards the digital transformation of healthcare infrastructure management models. At the same time, the holistic approach facilitates the sustainable transition of all operations involved.

Cognitive Hospital in Madrid

The Cognitive Hospital will be implemented in the Henares Hospital (Coslada, Madrid) within three years, and managed by Sacyr Concesiones. The project will bring significant benefits to all of the actors involved in managing and operating the hospital, as well as for patients and users of the hospital infrastructure.

The Cognitive Hospital is an ambitious project with a budget of 6.1 million euros and a grant of 2.9 million euros from the Community of Madrid. These funds are part of the 2023 call for proposals to contribute to improving public-private cooperation on R&D&I through projects with a boosting effect working as a consortium.

Hospitals are a strategic type of infrastructure where the operating and management model is critical, as it affects the success of their essential services. As a result, following the growing pressure on healthcare to which they have been subjected in recent years, these infrastructures have become a benchmark the management model for which needs to evolve and innovate in order to adapt to their demanding environment.

It is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of the ERDF Operational Program of the Community of Madrid for the 2021-2027 period.