
TECNALIA wins first prize at Connect for Good Challenge

21 November 2023
Transporte sostenible premio Connect for Good Challenge

“The winning project reduces the cost per kilometre by 10% by avoiding the transport of refrigerated cargo and helps to cut 64 tonnes of CO2 emissions per year per truck”

TECNALIA’s solution for monitoring and detecting anomalies in sustainable logistics infrastructures wins first prize in the Connect for Good Challenge

The project, led by TECNALIA researcher Iván Arakistain, presents an innovative solution for the sustainable transport of perishable products, to get rid of the need for refrigerated transport vehicles, which use large amounts of energy.

Embedded artificial intelligence

The project involves an IoT device equipped with a set of sensors and GPS, enabling efficient tracking and monitoring of goods. The key to the solution is embedded artificial intelligence, which uses AI models in small chips located in many objects around us. Thanks to this technology, the project improves the logistics of perishable products, maintaining the cold chain.

It also includes an “electronic nose” type sensor for monitoring and detection of volatile organic compounds. It can detect if food has gone off, for example.

This solution can reduce the cost per kilometre by 10% by avoiding refrigerated freight transport and help to cut 64 tonnes of CO2 emissions per year per truck.

The project directly affects Sustainable Development Goals 7, 11 and 13, which aim to ensure access to affordable and clean energy, sustainable cities and communities, and climate action. In short, the success of this project could pave the way for a more sustainable logistics industry by significantly reducing carbon emissions and operational costs.

About Connect for Good Challenge

Connect for Good Challenge is a joint initiative of Nordic Semiconductor, Mouser Electronics, Soracom and Crowd Supply, which rewards the best low-power wireless solutions that help to achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.