Laboratory service

Smart Meter Tests

Ensayos de contadores eléctricos inteligentes

We offer the conformity assessment of smart electrical meters, including the assessment of the essential requirements set out in the MID Directive, the certification of communications and data protocols and the evaluation of the functionality of such equipment.

Aimed at electrical equipment manufacturers, with the aim of demonstrating to electrical companies that the equipment complies with their specifications.

Services offered

  • Conformity assessment according to standards and specifications
  • Certification of data concentrators
  • Product development testing
  • Product functionality testing.
  • Interoperability testing
  • Technical consultancy and training courses to accompany electrical companies in the design, supervision and commissioning of AMI (Advanced Metering Infrastructure) projects
  • Definition of technical specifications and development of test books describing what and how to verify specifications
  • Development of testing tools to evaluate compliance with the defined specifications

Products assessed

  • Electrical meters
  • Modems and chipsets for PRIME service nodes
  • PLC communication equipment


  • PRIME 1.3.6 and PRIME 1.4 protocol certification
  • EMC tests for PLC equipment according to CENELEC EN 50065-1, EN 50065-2-3, EN 50065-7 and NB-PLC test procedure up to 500 kHz
  • DLMS and functional conformity tests
  • Interoperability and performance tests
  • EMC tests
  • RF tests
  • MID Directive tests
  • Climate and mechanical tests


  • PRIME Alliance
  • Meters & More Association
  • DLMS UA, UCA Iug and WI-SUN Alliance
  • Notified Body for EMC and MID Directives
  • Official Laboratory for several international companies

Our facilities

  • PRIME Laboratory
  • DLMS Laboratory
  • Interoperability Laboratory

Aimed at:

  • Manufacturers of PRIME smart meters and chipsets
  • Utilities
  • Technology services consultants for electrical companies

Accreditations and Recognition

Acreditación ENAC ILAC para el sector materiales según ISO 17025 con nº expediente 4/LE148
ENAC ILAC accreditation for electrical testing in compliance with ISO 17025, under file No. 4/LE148
Organismo Notificado Nº 1292 para el Reglamento de Productos de la Construcción
Official Body certified by the Electromagnetic Compatibility EMC 2014/30/UE Directive
Laboratory recognised by Iberdrola for functional assessments of meters with DLMS protocol
Laboratory recognised by Naturgy for functional assessments of meters with DLMS protocol
Laboratory recognised by EDP for functional assessments of meters with DLMS protocol
Saudi Electricity Company
Laboratory recognised by Saudi Electricity Company for functional assessments of meters with DLMS protocol
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