
TECNALIA ensures the excellence of your electronic components

2 February 2024
Componentes eléctronicos

“Trust TECNALIA’s materialography laboratory to guarantee the excellence of your electronic components”

TECNALIA ensures the excellence of your electronic components in its metallography laboratory

When working with PCBs it is essential to ensure the quality and reliability of connections and micro-soldering. Microsectioning is a metallographic method that involves cutting a cross-section from a material sample to examine its inner layers under a microscope. In the context of PCBs it is used to reveal details such as the integrity of soldered joints, identify microscopic defects, and analyse the internal structure of the board. This process is particularly valuable for identifying potential problems that cannot be detected by conventional visual inspection methods. By applying microsectioning to PCBs, TECNALIA’s metallography lab can assess the quality of connections, look for potential short circuits, and other potential micro-scale problems, thereby helping to improve the reliability and performance of electronic components on printed circuit boards. The relationship between printed circuit boards (PCBs) and microsectioning stems from the ability of this technique to inspect and reveal microscopic details within electronic components and connections on printed circuit boards.

Specialists in unique testing

TECNALIA has a wealth of experience in crucial sectors such as defence, aerospace, the automotive industry, access control and maritime signalling. It is a specialist in unique testing, and is dedicated to ensuring the quality and in-service reliability of electronic components. Over the years, it has analysed various causes that can lead to failures such as damaged micro-soldering on electronic boards and short circuits due to the presence of whiskers. It uses a microsectioning test to search for microscopic defects that could be at the root of these problems, which reveals defects that are not detectable by other methods, such as damaged micro-soldering and short circuits that could prevent the component from working properly. Once a component has passed the stringent quality control checks, TECNALIA will carry out an estimate its useful life by designing in-service performance tests under thermal and/or mechanical cycle conditions.