Laboratory service

Climatic and Ageing Tests

Ensayos climáticos y de envejecimiento

We carry out dry heat, cold, thermal shock, temperature cycle and humidity, steady-state damp heat and accelerated ageing tests.

To do so, we have a set of climatic chambers at our laboratories with a wide range of temperatures and humidity that enable these requirements to be assessed.

We carry out temperature, humidity and accelerated ageing tests on electronic products, mainly in the electrical, electronic and telecommunications sectors.

Climatic Tests:cold, heat, damp heat, freezing and thermal shock.

Electronic equipment must work not only in gentle humidity and temperature conditions, but also in extreme values of both variables: operation in desert, tropical and polar climates, along with appropriate resistance to extreme temperatures which may occur in transport (by plane, for example).

Furthermore, climatic tests are a tool for the accelerated ageing of equipment using different models (Arrhenius, Peck, …), which allow the test time to be correlated with the equivalent real life and hence analyse its reliability.

Fulfilment of these requirements must be ensured from the design of the equipment, so we have the necessary skills and tools to accompany manufacturers from the early stages of product design.

Aimed at:

  • Manufacturers of electrical, electronic and telecommunications equipment

Accreditations and Recognition

Acreditación ENAC ILAC para el sector materiales según ISO 17025 con nº expediente 4/LE148
ENAC Accreditation No. 4LE/148 for vibrations and shock testing
Organismo Notificado Nº 1292 para el Reglamento de Productos de la Construcción
Official Body certified by the Electromagnetic Compatibility EMC 2014/30/UE Directive

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