Laboratory service

Fitness for Service (FFS)

Aptitud para el servicio - fitness for service (FFS)

Fitness for Service (FFS) consists of a quantitative engineering assessment with a multi-disciplinary approach to determine the structural integrity of a flawed or damaged component/piece of equipment, or in other words, determine whether it is fit to continue in service.

FFS studies guarantee the integrity of components or equipment which must operate in conditions that are not covered by the standards due to different circumstances (presence of manufacturing flaws or degradation during use).

Most industrial components or equipment have standards that guarantee the product in a series of conditions (for example, high pressure equipment).

If these conditions are not satisfied, such as damage caused by corrosion that reduces the mechanical resistance, but it is necessary to continue operating with this component or equipment, a study that guarantees the integrity of the component under these conditions or the adaptation of the service conditions may be necessary.

These studies are usually based on international FFS standards, such as the FFS assessment techniques set out in API 579-1/ASME FFS-1, which aim to ensure an acceptable level of safety, provide accurate information to determine remaining life, establish a maintenance programme or help to optimise the inspection of flawed equipment so that it can continue in service.

Aimed at:

  • Renewable energies
  • Manufacturers of metal components
  • Metal transformation sector
  • Oil & Gas sector
  • Construction sector
  • Design and maintenance engineering firms
  • Component manufacturers for the aeronautical, railway, automotive, naval and offshore sectors
  • Infrastructure

Accreditations and Recognition

-	Acreditación ENAC ILAC para el sector materiales según ISO 17025 con nº expediente 4/LE063,
ENAC ILAC accreditation for the materials sector in compliance with ISO 17025, under file No. 4/LE063
-	Acreditación ENAC ILAC para el sector materiales según ISO 17025 con nº expediente 4/LE063,
ENAC ILAC accreditation for the construction sector in compliance with ISO 17025, under file No. 4/LE024
-	Acreditación ENAC ILAC para el sector materiales según ISO 17025 con nº expediente 4/LE063,
ENAC ILAC accreditation for acoustics in compliance with ISO 17025, under file No. 4/LE456
Laboratorio autorizado por AIRBUS para ensayos de control de baños de tratamiento superficial y materiales metálicos
AIRBUS authorised laboratory for control testing of surface treatment plating and metallic materials.
NADCAP MTL accreditation for Materials Testing
Nadcap accreditation for chemical processes
NADCAP MTL accreditation for Materials Testing
Nadcap accreditation for materials testing