Laboratory service

Emission of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)

Emisión de compuestos orgánicos volátiles (COV)

We control the emissions generated by construction products for interior use.

This service is essential due to the fact that the main sources of chemical product emissions in the air are generated by products used indoors, which can emit thousands of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs).

We have state-of-the-art equipment to carry out the tests required for the determination of the volatile organic compound emissions (VOCs), along with the qualified technical staff to advise on the best solution and type of labelling in accordance with the type of product and its potential market.

This type of testing is essential in order to market any product that is going to be used indoors in France, Belgium and Germany, as it is necessary to label each product in accordance with its VOC emissions.

These tests also enhance the product image, facilitate its introduction in the market and increase consumer confidence.

We also carry out product assessment based on its volatile content and emissions to obtain LEED points.


  • Product classification in accordance with French regulations: Decree 2011-321 of 23rd March 2011.
  • C, B, A , A+ Classification.
  • Verification of the non-emission of CMR substances.
  • Formaldehyde emissions.
  • German AgBB evaluation scheme (Committee for health-related evaluation of building products) ( AgBB 2010).
  • EMICODE “Green” certificate for adhesives and sealants. (EMICODE EC1 Plus, EC1, EC2, EC3).
  • Accumulation of points for sustainable building certification.

Aimed at:

  • Manufacturers of Construction Products: façades, glass, doors, partitions, etc.
  • Automotive Parts Companies.
  • Manufacturers of paints, adhesives, decorative panels, windows, etc.
  • Furniture
  • Architecture Studios and Construction Companies.

Certification and Accreditation

Organismo Notificado Nº 1292 para el Reglamento de Productos de la Construcción
Notified Body No. 1292 for the Construction Products Directive
Organismo de Evaluación Técnica (OET) para la emisión de documentos de Evaluación Técnica Europea (ETE) para los Productos de Construcción
Technical Assessment Body (TAB) for issuing European Technical Assessments (ETAs) for Construction Products.

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) emission brochure (Spanish)

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