Laboratory service

Biodegradability Tests - Compostability of Materials

Ensayos a plásticos biodegradables

We offer plastic manufacturers a wide range of biodegradability / compostability tests so as to avoid confusion in relation to the “Bio” concept.

The market cannot be boosted without the appropriate regulations that prevent manufacturers from introducing so-called “biodegradable”plastics on the market without compostability guarantees.

The main standards to verify the compostability of materials are: EN 14995; EN 13432; ASTM D6400 and ISO 17088. We carry out our testing in accordance with these standards which specify the requirements to determine the compostability and treatability of the materials:

  • Composition of the material or materials that make up the product, paying special attention to the absence of hazardous substances, including heavy metals.
  • Biodegradation (ISO 14855, among others). A minimum percentage of the material’s initial weight should biodegrade within a certain period.
  • Disintegration (mainly ISO 16929) during biological treatment. There should not be any fragments of material in excess of 2mm x 2mm after a certain period of time.
  • Effect on the biological treatment process.
  • Effect on the quality of the compost obtained, which can be assessed via ecotoxicity tests on plants (OECD 208).

Aimed at:

  • Producers and processors of polymeric materials.
  • Manufacturers of products that incorporate polymeric materials.
  • Manufacturers of packaging for use in food.

Accreditations and Certifications

-	Acreditación ENAC ILAC para el sector materiales según ISO 17025 con nº expediente 4/LE063,
ENAC ILAC accreditation for the construction sector in compliance with ISO 17025, under file No. 4/LE024
-	Acreditación ENAC ILAC para el sector materiales según ISO 17025 con nº expediente 4/LE063,
Laboratory certified in ISO 9001 and ISO 17025 (ENAC certification No. 4/LE063)
Organismo Notificado Nº 1292 para el Reglamento de Productos de la Construcción
Notified Body No. 1292 for the Construction Products Directive
Organismo de Evaluación Técnica (OET) para la emisión de documentos de Evaluación Técnica Europea (ETE) para los Productos de Construcción
Technical Assessment Body (TAB) for issuing European Technical Assessments (ETAs) for Construction Products.